Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Baxter's Hollow

A hidden gem near Devil's Lake in Sauk County WI. A cooler microclimate from the encompassing hills results in northern WI plant life tucked away in southern WI.

Tons of rattlesnake plantain orchids (above) in the forested bit, along with partridge berry and clubmoss.

Along otter creek, a premier trout stream that's the cleanest in the state, one can find a lot of cardinal flower (below) in late summer.

Fern (below) diversity is quite high, and some nice patches of sedge can be found in moist areas.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Recent Works

Below are a few recent mixed media pieces and other things I have around my home. All are made with hand pressed/dried plant material and found materials. I apologize for Iphone quality photos

LEFT: Bamboo base with dried herbs, grasses, driftwood, and leather cord. Species include Bouteloua curtipendula (side-oats), Liatris cylindracea (Ontario Blazing Star), and Phlox pilosa from Wisconsin, and Castilleja applegatei (Applegate's Indian Paintbrush) from California.

BELOW: Shadowbox covered with clippings from Pennsylvania Farmer's Almanacs circa 1940's and 50's. Additions include dried jelly and shelf fungi, butterfly weed blossoms, dutchman's breeches, michigan lilies, and an old sample jar of grain infected with ergot. William Blake print in the background.

LEFT: Pressed and mounted Phlox pilosa and mounted Blazing star with hanging pollinator